Broke Girl

turned rich

How women make money has changed. And then it changed again. More women now than ever are unplugging from the 9-5, taking control of their lives, shifting their realities, and rewriting the rules on how we make money. ⁠💰⁠ The wealthy don't get wealthy just by working more. After a decade of being her own boss, generating over 100M in revenue, then, after her company was acquired, Alexandra Cristin sat on a board for a billion-dollar company (yes, mostly white men were on that board), and from these experiences, she learned so much that people are not sharing. And it begins with a series of shifts in how we think, act, and move. Because it's not just about the dollars. Being rich is a state of mind.⁠ 🧠⁠ No more gatekeeping! We’re here to help women like me get ahead. Broke Girl Turned Rich exists to uncover the mindset and characteristics needed to go from broke to rich.⁠


+ Social Media Management & Content 
+ Graphic, Product & Web Design

The mood &


Entrepreneur Lifestyle
Money Manifestations
Wealthy Mindsets & Habits
Wellness & Self Care
Angel Numbers
Community of Badass Women